Key Information
School’s Welcome
Welcome to King’s Northway!
It is a real privilege to welcome you as Principal of King’s Northway Primary Academy. Whether this is the first time you have heard about our School or if you have known us for many years, we hope you will enjoy the snapshot of school life found within this website. The family of Northway goes back many, many years and we look forward to the future, one that you may be part of.
King’s Northway Primary Academy is a school that exists for its community, and we strongly believe that ‘Together we can achieve anything’. We want our pupils to believe in themselves and have all the tools they need to succeed. We want each child, their family and our staff, not only to survive, but to THRIVE. With this common belief in one another and the gifts we collectively bring, this aspiration really is possible.
Learning is central to King’s Northway, endeavouring to inspire that all important love of learning and eagerness to discover more and more each day. Staff have the same enthusiasm and openness to learn, trying new techniques alongside tried and tested successful practice. Pupils behave well and that expectation is embedded throughout school. At King’s Northway, we want children to ‘shine from inside out’ – following the King’s Northway Code will allow them to strive to be the very best they can be as individuals but also care for and respect others around them … wanting the very best for each other. Children who ‘shine from the inside out’ know the tools to be self-motivated yet outward looking too.
A website does only give a snapshot of the ethos, vision and values of a school. We look forward to welcoming you into our school community where you can experience our vibrant and energetic learning community where we strive to ensure: ‘All learners, all valued, all achieving, all the time.’
With thanks,
Mr MJ Hargreaves
Values & Ethos
Children trust Team Northway to keep them safe and to inspire them in their learning. Parents trust Team Northway to nurture their child(ren) and act in loco parentis. Team Northway trusts our children and their parents to work in honest partnership over seven years. As trust grows, we can then develop courage.
Those who know they are trusted, loved and valued, can then develop courage which then allows them to take a full and active part in school, their learning and positively impact the experience of being part of the Northway Family for themselves and their friends.
Compassion asks us to look outwardly, ensuring each child and adult is valued equally and has the right to achieve. It allows us to walk in each other’s shoes and ‘be the change we want to see’. Compassion is a strong emotion where real change can happen … change for all. Compassion allows us to ‘shining from the inside out’ and live out our Values.
If we know we are loved, valued and understood, when we make mistakes we can learn from them. Our community understands the need to demonstrate forgiveness towards each other, to learn from the past and make our school and our choices better for the future. If we are forgiven, we can also forgive others, giving us freedom from unnecessary burdens of anger or resentment.
Perseverance allows us to be the very best that we can possibly be. It allows us to keep trying and overcome any barriers that might come along our way. If we each persevere, we can all achieve, all the time. We strive courageously, can be creative, try new things and be ambitious for ourselves and each other.
With trust, courage, compassion, forgiveness and perseverance, shining from the inside out, we have hope, a bright hope for our future that will contribute to making it a bright future filled with hope for everyone.
Great Schools Trust
At King’s Northway Primary Academy, we are members of the Great Schools Trust. The Great Schools Trust are dedicated to creating a warm, welcoming, and engaging environment for all our students and their families. As part of the Great Schools Trust, we uphold the values of aspiration, achievement, and holistic development, ensuring every child receives a well-rounded education that prepares them for future success.
Great Schools Trust Ethos & Vision
Our ethos is grounded in the belief that every child has the potential to excel. We aim to provide an education that nurtures academic excellence, character development, and leadership skills. By fostering a love of learning and instilling strong moral values, we prepare our students to become confident, responsible, and capable individuals.
Great Schools Trust Mission
At Great Schools Trust, our mission is encapsulated in the Latin motto “Credo Credimus,” meaning “We Believe.” This reflects our commitment to fostering the potential of every student. Our holistic educational philosophy focuses on nurturing not only academic excellence but also intellectual habits, qualities of character, and leadership traits essential for lifelong success.
Meet the Team
Engagement between parents and school is a key part of growing together as a school community. If you want to speak about anything to do with your child, the first port of call is the class teacher. Please telephone or email the School Office to request a telephone call or a meeting. Please do not share confidential information at this point.
Following this, there are key members of staff with responsibility for different areas of school.
EYFS: Miss Rimmer
KS1: Mrs Dang
Lower KS2: Miss Scott
Upper KS2: Mr Taylor
Any questions regarding Attendance, Miss Sultan is able to answer and other after-school enrichment clubs or dates/events, Mrs Clay. If your child is absent from school, please telephone 0151 722 3540 and when prompted, press 1. You can leave a message.
If you wish to speak about a Special Educational Need, Mrs Dang or Miss Scott are available, as SENDCo. Times when they can return calls or contact parents will depend on their teaching commitments. By emailing [email protected] a follow up email or initial contact can be made to arrange a time to meet,
Mrs McNeil or Mr Hargreaves are also available to speak to after the initial route or if a further conversation is required.
If you have a Safeguarding concern, Mr Newton is our Designated Safeguarding Officer alongside Mrs McNeil. Mr Hargreaves is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers. Mr Hargreaves also has oversight of Safeguarding at Northway and can meet with parents with immediate worries and is DSL trained. Please always ask rather than leaving a worry unmet. Contact Northway Safeguarding via the School Office telephone or email [email protected]
Beginning with the class teacher or the specific teacher related to your question will ensure you get the answer you need in the quickest time possible. If you need further assistance, there is then a route you can progress along.
Please send all communication via the School Office:
[email protected] who will alert the right member of staff. Please do not try to guess other email addresses as often messages become lost en-route. All messages from the School Office will be forwarded. If your message is confidential, please use the confidential email (not the School Office). This is: [email protected].
See Saw is used to celebrate the work of pupils. It is a learning platform but also a Record of Achievement. It can be downloaded as pupils leave Northway. If you have a quick message for the class teachers, such as a medical need or anxiety, please use SeeSaw. For all other communication (eg, a concern), please send messages via the School Office. Staff have been instructed not to reply to SeeSaw messages after the close of school, messages after this time will be looked at the following morning.
King’s Northway Primary Academy and its Governing Board recognises its duty towards safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as set out in Section 175/157 of the Education Act 2002.
Our school will prevent and respond to abuse and neglect by ensuring that the ethos and atmosphere of the school is conducive to a safe environment. Pupils and parents/carers will feel supported and able to report safeguarding concerns to any member of staff. Staff will feel they are supported by colleagues and the senior management team, including the governing body, and are able to report and seek advice and guidance on any safeguarding concerns, including those regarding colleagues or themselves. We will protect children at risk of abuse of neglect by having procedures in place that reflect current legislation, guidance and best practice.
As part of our safeguarding ethos, we encourage children to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We will ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject in the school and where political issues are brought to the attention of the pupils, reasonably practicable steps will be taken to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views to pupils. We will ensure that reasonable steps are taken to ensure visitors to the school do not share messages with the school community which are contrary to our school ethos and beliefs.
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and, as such, this policy applies to all staff and volunteers working in the school. An allegation, disclosure or suspicion of abuse, or an expression of concern about abuse, could be made to any member of staff, not just those with a teaching or welfare-related role. Similarly, any member of staff may observe or suspect an incident of abuse.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection is: Mr Newton
Deputy Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs McNeil and Mr Hargreaves
Mr Hargreaves is trained as DSL and receives overall Safeguarding Briefings for Headteachers.
Recognise improving attendance is a school leadership issue and have a designated senior leader with overall responsibility for championing and improving attendance in school. Responsibilities should include offering a clear vision for attendance improvement, evaluating and monitoring expectations and processes, oversight of data analysis, and communicating messages to pupils and parents. (WTIA doc P10)
The name and contact details of the senior leader responsible for the strategic approach to attendance in school. (WTIA doc P11)
Senior Lead for Attendance: Mr MJ Hargreaves (HT) & Mrs K McNeil (DHT)
Delegated Attendance Lead: Mr M Newton
Delegated Attendance Officer: Miss M Sultan
SENCO Lead: Mr J Bayliss
SENDCO Deputy: Mrs J Dang
Attendance Lead: Mr Newton and Miss Sultan (SLT Mr Hargreaves)
Operation Encompass
In conjunction with Merseyside Police, King’s Northway Primary Academy is involved in an initiative called Operation Encompass. The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in, heard or witnessed a domestic abuse incident.
Following such an incident, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset, worried and unprepared. Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff (called Key Adults) are made aware early enough to support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe and included.
This is a valuable initiative that means we can continue to support and help children and families within our school community when they need it the most.
You can find out more by visiting or by contacting the Safeguarding team at school.
Admission Arrangements
How can parents and carers apply for a place at King’s Northway?
Nursery Admission
Children may be admitted to King’s Northway Nursery in the term after their third birthday. Parents can apply for a place during the academic year in which their child will be two years of age. Application forms can be requested from the school office. When returned your child will be placed on a waiting list.
Reception Admission
If your child is due to start reception in September, you must apply directly to the local authority. Click on the link below to make an application. In year admissions will need to be made directly to the school.
Open Admissions Online Application
If you are interested in your child starting at King’s Northway Primary Academy, you can phone the school office to arrange a visit. Miss Sultan or Mrs Clay will gladly show you around.
School office: 0151 722 3540
KS1 and KS2
Children can be admitted to the infant and junior department by in year transfers which are to be made directly to school.
Priority 1
Looked after children in the care of the local authority.
Children who are looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
Priority 2
Children with exceptional medical needs/social needs. Applicants wishing to be considered under this criterion should submit documentary evidence. Information will be reviewed and if so necessary advice may be taken from educational professionals.
Priority 3
Children with a sibling attending the school.
Priority 4
All other applicants who have expressed a preference for the school.
We value all children equally and endeavour to meet their individual needs, both educational and pastoral. As a team our aim is to meet individual needs and provide opportunities for children to make good progress.
Our Vision
We aim to ensure that our pupils at King’s Northway Primary Academy gain equal access to education through whatever provision may be necessary. This personalised provision is determined through ongoing evaluation of each pupil’s needs and a commitment to shared decision making with parents or guardians.
The names on the website are different to the names you printed on the sheet on Friday. The sheet is correct.
All Learners, All Valued, All Achieving… Together.
SENCO Lead – Mrs J Dang
Deputy SENCO – Miss L Scott
School Performance & Ofsted
King’s Northway Primary Academy is yet to be inspected.
The latest Ofsted report and school performance data for Northway Primary & Nursery School can be accessed below. These reports showcase our commitment to high educational standards and continuous improvement.
Northway Primary & Nursery School Ofsted Report – December 2022
DfE School Performance Data
PE & Support
Please click on the links below to view our PE and School Sports (PESS) Sports Premium plans and impact.
Catch-Up Funding Premium
Northway received Covid Catch-up Funding from DfE. The money is released to school in three blocks. The aim of the funding is to target key intervention to work towards closing learning gaps that may have appeared due to the national lockdown in Spring / Summer 2020. Northway completed diagnostics to assess where the need was for each year group before planning for intervention strategies.
Wave 1 – Quality First Teaching of a Recovery Curriculum within Class.
Wave 1b – Use of specific apps and programmes to boost ‘all learners’.
Wave 2 – Begin to return to the Northway Curriculum with key interventions taking place.
Wave 2b – Use of T&L Assistants to deliver strategic Catch-up intervention before and after school to boost learning.
Wave 3 – Training for parents and carers to allow them to engage with the education at a greater level at home.
Main strategies for Autumn Term, all of which have an inbuilt baseline and assessment data to show progress.
1. Reading Plus for Year 1 – Year 6
2. Mathletics and Times Table Rock Stars for whole school
3. Wellcomm (Oracy / Communication) for Nursery, EYFS and targeted children across School
4. School Improvement Liverpool Catch-up Resources for Maths, English, Science and PHSE.
Remote Learning
Remote Learning is an integral aspect of our King’s Northway Curriculum.
The Senior Leader responsible for Remote Learning is Miss MacLachlan (Curriculum Lead) who reports to and works alongside SLT and Mr Hargreaves (Headteacher).
Here are some direct links to websites you may use as part of your SeeSaw Remote Learning. Remember to use your QR Codes or log in details to access your account. We hope you have lots of fun learning and remember you can always contact your class teacher during the school day. Your class teacher will also be sending messages and feedback to help you as you learn.
2.14.3 – Letter Join (
2.14.2 – Spelling Shed (
2.14.3 – TT Rockstars (
2.14.4 – Active Learn Primary (
2.14.5 – Reading Plus (
2.14.6 – Mathletics (
2.14.7 – Seesaw (